To The Mountain, For the Valley

This year our youth had the opportunity to go to Camp Buckner with Dreamer’s Church. It was nothing short of amazing. Although it was actually the Hill Country rather than the mountains, and the official theme was transformation (Romans 12:2), for Freedom Tree Youth the theme was: “To The Mountain, For the Valley”.  There was a healthy dose of adventure, relaxation, and, believe it or not, good food! But all of those perks were just icing on the cake in comparison to the spiritual food which served to communicate clear vision from up high. 

The most powerful messages we heard were reminders that the mountaintop experiences of Summer Youth Camp are meant to prepare you for the day-to-day challenges of shining in the darkness of those “in-between-the-mountain-places.” Did you know, we were made for the valley? The mountains just give us a glimpse of where we have been and where we are going. Thank you Jesus for mountain and clear vision!

Although we are really looking forward to our next mountain top experience, we are amped up and ready to go wherever God says to go, however He says to go, so that we can reach whomever he wants us to reach with the Good News that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. We have come back from camp refreshed and on mission, with renewed vision!

Before we get to the camp pictures, we want to give a big shout-out to Pastor Pancho and Lora, Pastor Wardie and Courtney, and the entire Dreamer’s Church team. They organized and ran an amazing camp and truly exhibited gifts of hospitality, encouragement, stewardship, and so much more. Thank you for taking the time to genuinely minister to a generation, leading them boldly to the throne of our Savior. The last shout-out goes to Pastor Dylan who brought some amazing and moving messages each night! His messages were God’s clarion call to Freedom Tree Youth and Staff.  

Here are a few pics from this year’s Summer Youth Camp 2024: