Hello Friend,
Welcome to FREEDOM TALK, the monthly newsletter of FREEDOM TREE CHURCH. Not only will you find information on Freedom Tree events, but each newsletter will include inspiration, comedy, book recommendations, and more.
Who is Freedom Tree? Freedom Tree is a church in central Austin, Texas (52nd St.) on a mission to help people get free and live free by and through The Tree (The Tree leads to Jesus). We have a heart for the hurting, especially those struggling with mental and emotional health.
Fall Fair for Freedom
September 21, 2024
Clinical and Christian Counseling Center
In-Person and Virtual Counseling Appointment Scheduling is Now Open.
Freedom Funnies – Growing Laughs to Make Hearts Merry
What did Jesus do to tables in the temple?
Book of the Month – The Lightnings of God
Miracle stories you have to read to believe!
What We Are Worshipping With – Music Matters – FT Song of the Season
“When Wind Meets Fire” by Elevation Worship
Submit Your Prayer Request
From the Pastor’s Blog
Tear to Stand
Join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM
There’s more to life!
Members and Donors
There’s more to life!
Freedom Tree Church
Freedom Tree